Thursday, September 2, 2010

Still believe in the pursuit of happiness for all us?

I have my own thoughts on homosexuality that are not very open minded but this isn't about me or any other heterosexuals, nobody is telling us how to live our lives. When it comes to gays in our country I believe we have it wrong when it comes to gays serving in our military and the ability for them to get married or some form of partnership. I here people arguing against gay rights and one might believe in listening to them that gay people are forcing their way of life on to the rest of us but I feel the opposite is true were we imposing our values onto other people.

When you have several military leaders including the Secretary of Defense calling for the end of don't ask don't tell one might think that it's time for a change... So why is this still an issue? I don't have an answer, only a bunch of expletives to show how dumb I think it is that we are dragging our feet on this. I'm not going to ague that the sher amount of divorces are doing more harm to the institution of marriage then gays getting married, stay with me. What happened to equality amongst our fellow man(woman). I can talk about the need for partners to be able to make decisions when it comes to finance or medical issues but that still doesn't get to the heart of the argument.

All of us should be able to pursue happiness in whatever form or whomever we want choose. I don't see a reason to touch religion because it's the easiest way for the discussion to round and round in circles and it is too easy for some of the nay sayers to hide behind the cross. I'm going to end my little rant with this, we might not approve of another persons lifestyle (as if it's up to us approve) but that doesn't mean we should be so quick to tell others how they should live.