Friday, October 17, 2008

I Wish McCain And Obama Could Give Us A Reason To Laugh

On Thursday night the annual Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner was held at the Waldorf Astoria in New York where Senators Obama and McCain traded some pretty funny jokes, with all the bitterness in the campaign it was actually refreshing to see. I know this dinner was for a great foundation but I could not help but see the irony of these candidates at a white tie affair with our economy teetering on collapse. On the other hand we had a chance to see a glimpse of the campaign that we were all promised without all of the negativity that has managed replaced an actual debate on the issues. I wish the people involved in the campaigns as well as its supporters could take a look at how the two candidates conducted themselves and at least try to emulate the manner that the two senators held themselves to without all the volatility.

I don't see anything wrong with calling your opponent on to mat for his or her vote on policy when it comes to the issues actually affecting us as a people, but for one I am done with watching campaign surrogates beating irrelevant topics into the ground. Waking this morning and watching Gov. Palin go on and on about issues that Barack Obama has already answered for and offer nothing else in terms of any policy improvements. Seriously what can one do but roll my eyes in disgust.

Why can't the candidates give us a reason to laugh, a reason smile, or just a reason hope that tomorrow will be better? Well if anybody wants to get away from all the gloomy news I suggest that they find comfort in friends and loved ones because it does not seem like there will be anything else to do for a while, well at least until November 4Th.

1 comment:

Mud said...

Excellent post. Your best yet.