Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Man Who Should Have...

It is very hard to imagine that John McCain could fall so far from grace in the minds of so many independent thinkers. To those of us who still try to hold McCain in high esteem seeing this incarnation of the man as simply sad. It did not matter whether you leaned to the right or the left for those independent thinkers has he been a champion for us all, where nobody thought he represented one ideology and he was well respected on both sides of the isle.

For me my problems started when John McCain to courted the religious right whom McCain has never been fond of and vice versa, and to hire the very same people crucified him in South Carolina in 2000 all I can do is scratch my head. McCain once said of the campaigners that hehas know hired, they deserve a special place in hell, I'm paraphrasing. I and others have been disheartened to see McCain running the same type of campaign that he had once spoke out against. When this campaign is finally done I would like to think that could still hold the Senator in high regard but as of late to have his campaign inflame the worst of our society as a minority I can only stand back and watch in horror with my head in hands.

I might think that I have a diverse spectrum friends in my life from the flaming lefties to the staunch conservatives all of whom have a deep respect for. Again nobody felt McCain represented them point for point but they felt they could sleep well if the Senator was in charge. Even now the only conservatives that I can find to vote McCain are only doing so because of R next to his name. Whether over the wars in the Middle East and the fear of another draft, the lack of competency over the economy, or the lack of judgment in picking Sarah Palin as his VP pick; conservatives all around are finding reasons for not to vote for McCain. One can't help but notice that in his own party Senator McCain has even lost the confidence of his own supporters and I can't help but wonder if well ever get back.

When I first became interested in politics my two heroes were Sen. Biden and Sen. McCain, they have called it how they seen it and have been the most intelligent statesmen that I have known of in the senate. There are many reasons why I no longer have confidence in the Senator from the campaigns inflammatory tactics against Obama or the lack of follow up on such things as the closing of the Enron loop holes. I hope to meet John McCain some day but as for today I have no reason to vote him.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I feel that your comments are right on. As a former military person. I am very disappointed in
Sen. Mc Cains views concerning the war in Iraq. There is no need for our kids to be there in Iraq. This war in Iraq reminds me of Viet Nam. In the end no one wins. The inner fighting in Iraq will get worse once we leave. People have been fighting there for thousands of years. The fighting will never stop. How many crusades have gone there. It make no sense of us to be there. The terrorist are not there. They are in Pakistan and Afghanistan. This has been confirmed by many government agencies. The only ones that are going to gain anything is the large corporations. I am so tired of seeing to many kids loosing their lives over this. Didn't we learn anything from Viet Nam. I myself lost many good friends over there. America does not need another wall. As for the his economic views. He needs to really look at the situation. He cannot promise lower taxes. With the bail out of Wall Street. Whoever becomes President will have to raise taxes. There is no other way out of the problem. As for his comments on american health care. He does not care about the middle american class. He is making another promise that he will not keep. Come on America wake up. He is a politican and he will say anything to become President. His Vice President nominee is as dumb as rocks. She needs to return to Alaska and stay there.