Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Reason To Have Faith In Our Fellow Man

It has been a tough few weeks for all us watching the economy dive and not know where we are going to be at the end of this violent ride. Small businesses are struggling to keep their heads above water, big companies falling by the wayside, and 401ks evaporating quicker than steam in the wind. One awful effect from all this financial chaos is all the home evictions, many people losing their homes due to bad home loans and we can argue who was at fault with the loans but what about the renters who did nothing wrong and are still being evicted. Last week Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart took a stand and ordered his deputies not to evict renters on the 11 hour of the eviction process without proper notice from the banks.

“When we’re doing this, and we’re destroying peoples’ lives, we’ve got to make darn sure we’ve got the right people,” Dart said. Renters in many cases were being notified of their landlords building being repossessed when officers show up to their homes removing then from their homes. I remember seeing Sheriff Dart on TV saying he was not going to one of those people in history that were saying that they were just following orders and lacking all sense of humanity. Wow, it's about time we got to hear of someone following his conscious in a mess started by people suffering from the lack of moral character.

I don't see the financial situation getting better in the near future but there is some hope that we will get through these rough times with the help of people like Sheriff Dart. We hardly ever hear of people doing the right thing, it seems like only the bad, gruesome, and the bleak news make their way in front of us. Thank you Tom Dart for doing the right thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right on. Thank you!