Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Dad

I almost don't know where to start... Well let me start with Happy Birthday Day Dad! There is no way for me to fully express just how much I miss my dad, he has been to me the man who raised me, my best friend and my coach. Time cannot be explained to me where it feels like it all has happened so quickly and yet it feels like a year has gone by. I frequently get those weird feelings where I think if I just turn around he will be there and this was all just a dream. The twenty-seven years I've spent with my dad were invaluable and I love him for the time we spent together.

These last few months were hard and great to be with him, I saw him humbled physically and still show the vigor for life that all great men show. Since the heart surgery it had become very hard for my dad not being able to do many of things he had become accustomed to doing nor being the husband he felt he should have been to my mom, he tried so hard. Dad did manage in his own way to enrich the lives of those he kept in contact with, whether it be the retelling of old stories or something anecdotal just to get a laugh. Always showing concern for others in whatever situation they were in. He had always been the kind of person where it did not matter what ones background could be, Dad could relate to anyone. I'd be willing to bet that not too many people knew just how big of a liberal he really was; but that kind of thing didn't matter to him as long as he felt that you were a good person. My dad showed me what it was to be a good friend and great man in his last days.

In the end I have so much to be grateful for whether it be the game he showed me how to play, the friend of a lifetime he was to me and most importantly the father figure I so desperately needed. I just remember now, when Dad first taught me the game golf, he was a titan on the golf course... he really was that good. He was an imperfect man but who really is perfect, my dad was man who always improved himself no matter how hard it was and I admire him for that. There are so many things I can go on and on about but I will put it simply: Dad was man who served his country dutifully, a generous man, a caring father and a great loving husband.

I love my dad and I will miss him so...

Gabriel Richard Tellez – 08/12/1943 – 07/24/2010

1 comment:

jadedhellspawn said...

Victor, thanks for sharing. I never got the chance to meet your dad, but reading this and from what you've told me he was truly a great man.