Monday, August 30, 2010

Still don't know where to turn...

I've wanted so much to write about whatever the topic of the day had been... But there is still just one topic on my mind; where did my dad go? Since I've last written I have had some good days and Sunday was a bad day. I had woken up with a weird feeling, done some chores, turned on the tube to watch the golf tournament and then it hit me like a tone of bricks. It was all I could do to compose myself and stay calm... A single question kept coming up in my head, where did my dad go?

I have heard from other people that it will be hard and the emotions come in waves and that they are there for me, not to seem like an ass, but none of that really helps. I don't think anyone can help, this will just be something like everyone else will I have to navigate through.... Alone. I can only hope I don't crash into too many people.

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